RIASSUNTO. I lavoratori portatori di disabilità psichica sonoparticolarmente esposti alla violenza morale sui luoghi dilavoro. Il medico competente può divenire parte attivanell’azione di mobbing qualora non si mantenga strettamenteaderente al disposto di legge, che impone il giudizio di idoneitàsolo in riferimento ai rischi professionali valutati, e nonl’analisi del disturbo mentale nella sua evoluzione temporale,per chiarire se esso sia correlato con la situazione lavorativa.Un caso di mobbing su un portatore di disabilità psichica,recentemente pubblicato, viene reinterpretato alla luce diqueste considerazioni.Parole chiave: mobbing, giudizio di idoneità, disabilità psichica.
ABSTRACT. Workers with handicap or psychologicalimpairment are frequently submitted to mobbing. If causativefactors of psychological disorders are not recognized, thephysician charged of medical surveillance of workers mayhimself become a prosecutor and enhance the mobbing actionsto the extent that the mobbed worker is discharged. In order toavoid this undue effect, the physician should strictly adhere tothe body of legislation and to good occupational medicinepractices. Health surveillance for occupationally exposed groupsof workers is required under specific health and safetylegislation. Workers unexposed to hazard in the workplacecannot be included in health surveillance programme, anddeclaring these workers unfit for their job is a patent violation ofWorkers’ Statute Law. Psychological disorders should becarefully evaluated in order to clarify their relationship withwork. The case of a worker affected with schizophrenia, alreadyreported in the literature, is here re-analysed in order toemphasize these concepts.Key words: mobbing, fitness for work, disability.
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