Biometrics at the Frontiers: Assessing the Impact on Society For the European Parliament Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)
Imagine that someone wishes to access their e-mail through a PC which is inviting them to log on. The message on the screen reads Place your right-hand index finger on the reader and hold for two seconds. The person does so and almost immediately the screen reads Welcome.
Convenience and security combine to enable access to the service by authorised users and prevent non-authorised access. There is no need to remember passwords, no need to have a password policy and no risk of password loss. The result is a reduction in error and fraud through stronger confidence in the authenticity of official documents like passports and driving licences. The process is also a lot more efficient because of its very simplicity. This, in a few words, is what biometric technologies are supposed to bring to the processes of identification and authentication in the future...